Realign + Reconnect

"I Touch And Surrender Myself To The Earth.  I Become One With My True Nature.  Allowing...It To EMERGE...From These Roots I Shall Grow..." ~ Julie Timms

We have spent winter in hibernation; examining, letting go and stoking the inner fires of transformation.  But spring has come and it is time for yet another shift and rebirth. When the earth begins to awaken from yet another slumber, we too begin to slowly awaken to who we are now.

As the heaviness of winter gives way to sunbeams and honeybees, we are renewed with the hope that comes with spring...more aware and in tune with our purpose and vision of who we are becoming.  All that lay dormant now comes to life!  Our burdens seem lighter, our hopes ignited.  The seed dreams we planted are ready to blossom in the warmth of a new light; inspired by the wisdom we found in the slow, unraveling of our layers in winter.

After the cold and dark of winter, our heart and home are likely in need of a little love and tending.  Now is the perfect time to realign and reconnect with those most sacred spaces.  Spring brings with it a transformational energy, and we can use its wisdom to transform our heart and home energy through release, ritual, and reconnecting.

Clearing out the cobwebs of our heart and home both physically and metaphorically can do such wonders!  It allows us to energetically realign our sacred spaces with our intentions and invite in freshness and a new beginning; untangling ourselves from all that keeps us from coming into full bloom and clearing out stagnant energies that no longer serve us.  Usher in a new, fresh energy and feel yourself come alive! Allow yourself some time to do some spring cleaning for your heart and hOMe.

Tending to your hOMe...

Cleanse your space.  Take this time to declutter and donate.  Keep only things that are meaningful, useful and bring you happiness.  Purging out the old and rearranging or redecorating your home does incredible things for releasing and clearing stagnant energies.  You will be amazed how the energy and vibration changes just by letting go and weeding out the old to make space for the new!

Create an Altar Space.  Set an intention for this season and then begin to create a beautiful, vibrant, and relaxing place for you to reconnect back to your heart and intentions throughout the day. Decorate your altar with crystals such as citrine for abundance, rose quartz for love and clear quartz for clarity!  These are beautiful and symbolic stones to work with in the Spring.  Add a soft, warm glow by using candles or salt lamps.  And clear stagnant energy by burning sage or palo santo.  Come back to this space anytime you feel you need to  reconnect with your heart's intentions.

Connect with nature.  Embrace the lushness of spring by filling your home with plants and pieces of nature.  Invite in LIFE and fresh air into your space by throwing open the curtains and windows!  Allow fresh air and sunbeams to enter and brighten the energy that surrounds you.  And spend time outdoors!  Reconnect with nature and your soul.  Throw up a hammock and take rest under the shade of a tree, soak in the sun until it fades to moon, and you can't tell fireflies from stars.  Take in the medicine of nature; the trees and the animals. What messages do they have for you at this time? What can you learn from them this season?  Discover yourself again in the earth, and renew your cells among her wild love.  There is healing there.  

Tending to your Heart...

Be free.  Unearth those things no longer serving you and leave them behind.  What do you need to release? Old thought patterns? Negative self talk?  Toxic relationships?  Step into a different story.  Weed through and release those things that hold you back or weigh you down.  Free your spirit.  Take time to appreciate where you have been and where you are going.

Deepen your practice.  Recommit to meditation or yoga.  Open your heart space through self inquiry; this is key for awakening your authentic self.  Your heart has its own intelligence; what is it trying to tell you this season? What do you need in order to grow? Follow its call.  Quiet your mind and be fully present in the wisdom of your heart.  This is also a beautiful time for self-love!  Do things that make your heart happy and bring you joy and peace. Be gentle and kind to yourself during this time of powerful transformation.

Dream and reconnect.  Spring is a fertile time and the perfect season to give birth to a new idea or try something new!  Dream, visualize (perhaps create a vision board!) and show gratitude for what your life is now and all the abundance coming.  Notice and connect.  Embrace and show gratitude.  When we send out gratitude, the Universe responds with an echo; giving us more moments and experiences to be grateful for.  Light a fire in your heart and watch as your intentions and gratitude bring these seeds dreams to life!

We are in a metamorphosis.  With the freshness of spring comes a shift within our spirit; something feels different and our spirit is reawakened.  Our hearts are opening...we are transforming.  Take this time to become familiar with this new rhythm.  Reconnect with your heart and recreate yourself in alignment with your intentions and visions of who you are becoming.  Allow spring to inspire your emergence from the cocoon.  Your heart and home are your most sacred spaces.  Take this time to do little things to create big shifts for transformation and rebirth.  Create space in your heart and home for joy and abundance.  Nourish them and invite in LOVE.  And watch your true nature EMERGE!

Tell me how YOU release, realign and reconnect in the Spring! Happy Spring Equinox, love bugs and lion hearts!

Love, Natasha

♥ For sacred offerings for your ceremonies and rituals and to adorn your hOMe and sacred spaces, take a peek in The Art of a Happy Heart Shop!