Coffee 'round the campfire

Come gather...

Helllloooo, loves!

Grab a coffee and come gather with us for "Coffee 'round the Campfire" as we transmute and transform the stories of our hearts. Energies that perhaps may be stuck; things inside of us that need healing. Or joy that needs expressed. Allow yourself to go into this space so that we might create healing! And let's do this together! 

Our first storytelling prompt is:
Create a 5 minute intuitive poem! 
Also, you totally do NOT have to be a poet! Just wing it, baby! ;) This is all about self expression as a portal to healing...

So, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and take some time for YOU! Let's take a moment to drop into our heart space, really feel into the energy you are feeling right in this moment and just BE here. Allow whatever comes forward to be what you work with today. When you are done, feel free to post them directly to the group wall or in the comments here. If you would rather remain somewhat anonymous, PM me in confidence and I will share your work for you anonymously with the group! And don't forget to take lots of time for self care. These exercises can bring up some tender things at times, but we got this. Just know that you are fully supported emotionally, spiritually and energetically on your journey to healing. Big hugs and love to you all! I can't wait to see what manifests for us all!

Gather with us here...